I am Kavindu shehan and I am a student at Mr.Tech. With the help from Mr.Tech I am improving my self daily trying to reach my dream which is to become a software developer.

Kavindu Shehan

First of all I would like to express my special thanks to MerTech team. I am training as a software engineer in a reputed institute in Sri Lanka. Already I have created many different web software, mobile apps and electronics related new creations using different types of different technologies. You can see some of them by visiting this web page.


SA Creation

This is a my first web site.I created this myself and used WordPress to set it up. Various new designs, experiments, 3D designing and many other features have been published here as the content of this. The main purpose of this creation was to share my creations with the world and show my talents to the world. I would like to express my special thanks to the two brothers Mr. Shakuntha Chandimal and Mr. Irosh Lakshan who taught me about this department and Mr. Mahesh Ranawaka who guided me. Also, I would like to express my thanks to Mr.Tech team.


The Grocery Shop

This is a web application developed by me using the Laravel framework. This enables us to retain customer details. That way we can use them when needed and provide the required services.


TARGET Music Band

This was created by WordPress. This was created by including details about their band and their upcoming concerts and contact details. This is designed so that they can update themselves when needed.


Mr Calculator

This is a calculator app I created using Flutter. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers can be done easily. I presented this to Mr. Tech. I hope to upgrade this to a scientific calculator in the future.


Mr Student

This is a app I created using Flutter. This allows us to store the required information in a database and read and update the data whenever necessary and delete the unnecessary data. This can be called a crud software. The security is also high because it is connected with a database


Login App

This is a app I created using Flutter. This is a very secure application. Username and password are required to log in. The data you provide when you log in for the first time will be stored in the database. That way, you can later log out when you need it. Also, we can store the information we need in a database and read and update the data whenever needed and delete the unnecessary data. This can be called a cheat software. The security is also high because it is connected with a database.